Cherry and Marzipan Cake...just writing those words makes my mouth water...
My paternal grandma used to make this was kind of like a madeira sponge, fairly dense and deliciously vanillary (spell check doesn't like that word, but I am persevering regardless), studded with glace cherries. But the genius of the cake was a layer of marzipan baked through the middle, which to my memory used to melt into the sponge in places, creating this delicious almondy goo (computer likes almondy for some reason, just not vanillary) but in other places it stayed chewy and was just heaven.
I asked my gran for the recipe on more than one occasion, and every time she would dutifully hand it over. But here is the gran used to miss out some vital detail every time, because she didn't want anyone to compete with her cake making prowess! I mean, I love you gran, but seriously...what a b**ch move!!! My gran died when I was in my early 20's and took her recipe to the grave. Over the years I have tried to create it time and time again, but it never quite lives up to the cake of my childhood memory.
Until today that is!!! This weekend is my Dad's birthday, so I have baked him his mum's cake for his birthday dinner...and let me tell you - this one is close! I am going to write it down and insist that each of my children take a copy and document it for any future grandchildren in their birthday cards every year. This recipe will not end here!
Happy Birthday Dad. xx